Monday, October 6, 2008

Vacation Time !!!

Well you can guess from the title it's vacation time!!!! I know it's been a while since my last post but I've been busy with day to day life. I'm happy to say that I'm 5 months along and we are looking forward to finding out the sex of the new baby, and once again my husband will be in the field and will miss the ultrasound again. Some times I feel bad for my husband because he has missed out on our first son and his life and now he is missing out with our second child, but I realized that's this is his job and we both signed up for this being married to the military. But what can I do???
Anyhow ~ lets get to's vacation time and I'm back home {Texas} to get much need rest and to spend much need time with family. But how do you balance family, in-laws, friends, military pals in two weeks, and I'll I want to do is rest and take my son to the pool. I've been kind to all that have called and wanted to go out, hang out, have non-alcoholic drinks, have diner and go shopping. I'm feeling over-loaded and I hate answering my phone, but I'm trying to be nice to everyone. But I'm hitting that point right now, and I'm trying to keep cool but I'm in need of advice. I'm all ears...

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